Terceira Island - Azores - Portugal

Terceira Island - Azores - Portugal

Thursday, May 5, 2011

At long last...

...my first post from the Azores!
This will have to be in more than one installment - there's too much to write about - or read! - for one sitting.
*  As for this sitting, it's 7:40 Tuesday evening.  I'm in the living room, frequently looking up from the keyboard to gaze out to the ocean and Split Rock, listening to the wind grow in sound and speed.  Emma is on the rug next to me, as contented as she could be considering I won't let her sit on the couch. Trish is going out to dinner and I opted to pass on a squadron dinner so I could have time at home alone to start this.
*  Here's a list of what I've noticed about Terceira so far (not in any particular order):

  * They have frequent, marvelous rainbows.  These were taken from Trish's terrace.

They use outlandish colors.  Everywhere.

  * They have glorious clouds and sunsets.
  * Every other man is named Jose (pronounced Joe say).
  * It is a very small place.
  * They have a secret for not gaining weight in spite of the food they eat.  I haven't see Cobb salad on any menu.
  * Their main seafoods are cod and octopus.  (I have a recipe for the latter, if anyone would like to have it.)
  * Parking is allowed ANYWHERE, including in one of the two lanes.
  * The speed limit on narrow village streets is 50 mph - even to get around parked cars.
  * Cows have the right of way.

Below is a view of the coast at Bisquitos (pronounced beesh coy toosh).

Watch for future installments.