As you can see, Emma is exhausted, too. Poor baby. First I closed her in Steve's room, then my room, and then I made her stay in the dressing room with me while I sorted more clothes and put liquids in bags (e.g. nail polish, perfume) while the guys packed the bedroom. In between carrying stuff out of their way, I did a couple of loads of laundry. The piles of brown paper bundles are more impressive downstairs, but I'm upstairs and I ain't movin' just to take another picture.
* I hadn't been ensconced in the only usable piece of furniture in the house for ten minutes before I got a call from my boss. We're supposed to go into the office Monday morning, and if the furlough actually happens this time, they'll give us some information and then release us. ETA for the movers is 9 - 11 Monday (instead of Tuesday).
* Tomorrow morning Emma has an appointment at the vet clinic to get the paperwork done for her permits. I'll send it right off to the USDA via FedEx. Then we'll go to our respective beauty shops for grooming so we look all purty for the Lajes reception committee.
* After the movers load everything into the truck and there's floor space for Emma's mondo crate, I'm going to bring it up to my room and get her used to being in it. Yeah, right. I just know there's no enticement that will get her to go in on her own - not even piggy ears, which is her treat of choice.
* OK. Time for some Aleve.